Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:01 AM
When all you wanted was to be wanted.
"Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now."
Hi readers that are obviously non-existent. I'm here to rant about friendship.
I've this best friend since I was 11, up till now. She back-stabbed me countless times.
But every time she asked for my forgiveness, I'll forgive her thinking that this will be the last time. I won't forgive her ever again.
But that cycle is like never-ending. Until now. 
She'll always complain to me about her other best friend that I don't like. Let's call her R.
R is always going around telling other people "Christians cannot lie. Christians cannot gossip. Blablabla." But she herself will gossip about me to me other friends and gossip about my other friends to me. Saying that my friends are only using me and tell my friends that I only became friends with them because I have no other friends. And my best friend will always complain to me about how her group of friends including R are always leaving her out of outings and stuff, and how she felt neglected because of the way they treat her and I told her "then don't stay with them anymore. They obviously don't like you as much as you like them. And true friends won't treat you that way. Or you can tell them how you feel." She agreed and said that they weren't close anymore.
Last week, R and her went out together. She even wrote on her blog that "R is a dear friend of mine" and even celebrated their "sister day" together and went shopping and stuff. 
Way to rub it in my face. 
When I ask you to go out, you'll tell me that you're not free, you need to study, you need to go to church, you need to go for care group, you need to go for sign language and all the excuses that you have. But when you and her go out last minute, all of a sudden you're free? Wow. What nonsense is this? I have had enough of this shit. Keep telling me that you're busy but you have time to go to other people's house to back? Sheesh. What kind of friend are you? I should have listened to my mom 5 years ago and stay the fuck away from you. 
This is concrete proof that mothers really do know best. My mom never liked her.
Here's a gif for that "best friend" of mine. I sincerely wish that you're happy now that you've finally got rid of me for good. :) Have fun with your life.
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Hi, I'm Vivien. 18 this year. As you can tell from my url, I am extremely crazy. If you'd like to join me in being crazy, stick around. Maybe we'll become best friends!

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