Tuesday, July 3, 2012 2:41 AM
爱的痛了 痛的哭了 哭的累了 日记本泪页页执著.
Hey guys! Last blogged 5 days ago. Nothing much happened lately actually except that Alice has decided to resign and her last day is 1st of August, Jessie's last day is this Friday & Pauline alrdy left. So many people leaving NCS...

Went for the Halloween audition with Em on Sunday and she went as Kuchisake-Onna.

And I was supposed to be some abandoned haunted doll but I backed out last minute.
We met at Nex at around 6am then waited for Mcd to open then had our breakfast then went to my house to prepare.

Her make up was damn scary I tell you. You can go to my fb and see.

About Kuchisake-Onna (aka Slit Mouth Woman)... Apparently she was mutilated by her jealous husband and came back as a malicious spirit. You can read more on wikipedia. :)

We'll be having another voluntary outing to the museum with kids again next Wednesday.
I hope that the kids won't torture me like the previous batch did this time...

And Stephen damn annoying.

I was supposed to call everyone and ask if they are going for the outing then he was like...

Stephen: Will you be going?
Me: Why?
Him: Just asking lah.
Me: Why you care so much?
Him: I don't want to be grouped with you mah.
Me: Wth? Like I want to be grouped with you like that.
Him: Kidding lah. Okay lah, I go.
Me: Okay, bye bye. *hang up*


Okay lah, I leaving office alrdy. Bye bye~
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Hi, I'm Vivien. 18 this year. As you can tell from my url, I am extremely crazy. If you'd like to join me in being crazy, stick around. Maybe we'll become best friends!

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